You As You

Hinta: 11,50 € Osta albumi

Rough Fields' third sortie explores darker, more electronic territory than the recently-acclaimed "Manila" and "Watery Fable" releases. "You As You" is a cinematic splash of searing guitars, noise and electronics, whilst "Abu Dhabi" takes equally messy washes of destroyed Telecaster and warps them into a hypnotic, bass heavy groove. The pair are released by Bomb Shop in August on painstakingly handmade cassette (a perfect fit for the lo-fi/noise/drone vibe of both tracks) and digital.

Airplay from Late Junction (BBC R3), SOAS, PFM, Juice, Anocht and Resonance; coverage on A New Band A Day, FAT! Club, Nerdy Frames, Music Muso.

Rough Fields is the operating name of James Birchall from Manchester, UK. The project brings together the disparate strands of James' previous musical paths through folk, classical, rock, minimalism, electronica, electro-acoustic and experimental composition. After three years spent absorbed in the UK techno scene, James studied modern composition in Huddersfield under Matthew Adkins, Christopher Fox, Michael Clark and other influential figures - a period which also brought him into contact with such luminaries as Iannis Xenakis, Karlheinz Stockhausen, Steve Reich and Brian Eno.

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01. You As You 5min 28s 1,20€ Mobiilituote
02. Abu Dhabi 4min 19s 1,20€ Mobiilituote