01. |
I drommen du ar mig nara (In My Dreams You Are Near Me)
2min 37s |
1,60€ |
osta |
02. |
Vita rosor (White Rose)
2min 27s |
1,60€ |
osta |
03. |
4 Visor i folkton (4 Folk Ballads), Op. 5: No. 1. Nar jag for mig sjalv i morka skogen gar (When I Walk Alone in the Dark Forest)
2min 11s |
1,60€ |
osta |
04. |
4 Visor i folkton (4 Folk Ballads), Op. 5: No. 4. Bland skogens hoga furustammar (Among the High Fir-Trees in the Forest)
2min 43s |
1,60€ |
osta |
05. |
Tonerna (Music)
3min 12s |
1,60€ |
osta |
06. |
Ack Varmeland du skona (Ah Varmland, Thou Fairest)
3min 13s |
1,60€ |
osta |
07. |
Allt under himmelens faste (Beneath the Dome of the Sky)
3min 7s |
1,60€ |
osta |
08. |
Sommarnatt (Summer Night)
3min 9s |
1,60€ |
osta |
09. |
Ett folk, Op. 22: Sverige (Sweden)
2min 46s |
1,60€ |
osta |
10. |
Land, du valsignade (Thou Blessed Country)
2min 32s |
1,60€ |
osta |
11. |
Sjung din hela langtan ut (Sing Out Your Whole Yearning)
3min 12s |
1,60€ |
osta |
12. |
Studentsangen (The Student Song), "Sjungom studentens lyckliga dag" (Let Us Sing about the Happy Days of Students)
3min 5s |
1,60€ |
osta |
13. |
Namner du Sverige (If You Mention Sweden)
3min 7s |
1,60€ |
osta |
14. |
7 Dikter, Op. 28: No. 6. Skogen sofver (The Forest sleeps)
2min 27s |
1,60€ |
osta |
15. |
Morgon (Morning)
2min 30s |
1,60€ |
osta |
16. |
Bon i ofrestid (Prayer in Time of War)
2min 41s |
1,60€ |
osta |
17. |
Bisp Thomas frihetssang (Bishop Thomas' Song of Freedom)
2min 3s |
1,60€ |
osta |
18. |
3 Sanger: No. 3. Till havs (Toward the Sea)
2min 14s |
1,60€ |
osta |
19. |
Sangen till havet (Song to the Sea)
2min 34s |
1,60€ |
osta |
20. |
Visa kring slanblom och masnkara (Song of Blackthorn and Crescent Moon)
2min 52s |
1,60€ |
osta |
21. |
Jungfrun under lind (The Maiden under the Linden-Tree)
2min 48s |
1,60€ |
osta |