The Three Baroque Tenors [digital exclusive] (digital exclusive)

Hinta: 12,09 € Osta albumi
01. Conti: Don Chisciotte in Sierra Morena: Aria, "Qui sto appeso eil ciel sa quando" (Don Chisciotte) [Ian Bostridge/The English Concert/Bernard Labadie] 2min 5s 1,69€ Mobiilituote
02. Handel: Hercules, HWV 60, Act 1 Scene 2: No. 7, Aria, "Where congeal's the northern streams" (Hyllus) [Ian Bostridge/The English Concert/Bernard Labadie] 2min 3s 1,69€ Mobiilituote
03. Handel: Hercules, HWV 60, Act 2 Scene 3: No. 24, Aria, "From celestial seats descending" (Hyllus) [Ian Bostridge/The English Concert/Bernard Labadie] 5min 59s 1,69€ Mobiilituote
04. Vivaldi: Arsilda, regina di Ponto, RV 700, Act 1 Scene 7: No. 7, Aria, "La tiranna e avversa sorte" (Tamese) [Ian Bostridge/The English Concert/Bernard Labadie] 5min 28s 1,69€ Mobiilituote
05. Gasparini: Il Bajazet, Act 1 Scene 1: No. 1, Aria, "Forte e lieto a morte andrei" (Bajazet) [Ian Bostridge/The English Concert/Bernard Labadie] 4min 11s 1,69€ Mobiilituote
06. Handel: Tamerlano, HWV 18, Act 1 Scene 1: No. 3, Aria, "Forte e lieto a morte andrei" (Bajazet) [Ian Bostridge/The English Concert/Bernard Labadie] 5min 13s 1,69€ Mobiilituote
07. Arne: Rosamond: Aria, "Rise, Glory, rise in all thy Charms" (King Henry) [Ian Bostridge/The English Concert/Bernard Labadie] 6min 30s 1,69€ Mobiilituote
08. Caldara: Joaz: Aria, "Lo so, lo so, con periglio" (Azaria) [Ian Bostridge/The English Concert/Bernard Labadie] 5min 17s 1,69€ Mobiilituote
09. Handel: Poro, Re dell'Indie, HWV 28, Act 2 Scene 4: No. 15, Aria, "D'un barbaro scortese non rammentar l'offese" (Alessandro) [Ian Bostridge/The English Concert/Bernard Labadie] 3min 28s 1,69€ Mobiilituote
10. Scarlatti, A.: Marco Attilio Regolò: Aria, "Se non sà qual vento il guida" (Santippo) [Ian Bostridge/The English Concert/Bernard Labadie] 3min 9s 1,69€ Mobiilituote
11. Handel: Giulio Cesare in Egitto, HWV 17, Act 2 Scene 11: No. 31b, Aria, "Scorta siate a passi miei" (Sesto) [Ian Bostridge/The English Concert/Bernard Labadie] 4min 9s 1,69€ Mobiilituote
12. Vivaldi: L'Atenaide, RV 702, Act 1 Scene 1: No. 1, Aria, "Ti stringo in quest' amplesso" (Leontino) [Ian Bostridge/The English Concert/Bernard Labadie] 5min 20s 1,69€ Mobiilituote
13. Vivaldi: Ipermestra, RV 722, Act 2 Scene 4: No. 17, Aria, "Sazierò col morir mio" (Danao) [Ian Bostridge/The English Concert/Bernard Labadie] 4min 15s 1,69€ Mobiilituote
14. Boyce: Solomon, A Serenata: No. 23, Air, "Softly arise, O Southern breeze!" (A Man) - No. 24, Chorus, "Ye Southern breezes!" [Ian Bostridge/The English Concert/Bernard Labadie] 4min 41s 1,69€ Mobiilituote
15. Galliard: The Royal Chace: Aria, "With early horn salute the morn" (The Royal Hunter) [Ian Bostridge/The English Concert/Bernard Labadie/Andrew Clarke] 4min 44s 1,69€ Mobiilituote
16. Smith, John Christopher Smith: Man So favour'd (from "Paradise Lost") [Ian Bostridge/The English Concert/Bernard Labadie] 2min 21s 1,69€ Mobiilituote
17. Smith, John Christopher Smith: He the Gloom Prince of Air (from "Paradise Lost") [Ian Bostridge/The English Concert/Bernard Labadie] 1min 43s 1,69€ Mobiilituote